Shipping & FAQ



Do you deliver across Australia?

Yes! We deliver Australia Wide using Australian courier companies. 

Pick up: 

Pick up is a convenient alternative for many especially to save on delivery costs. Upon checkout, you can select this option. Exact pick up location in Merrylands (Sydney, 2160) will be sent to you after you have checked out your order. 

Once your order is ready, you will be notified, where you can reply with a day and time that is suitable for you to pick up. 

How long until I receive my arrangement?

Our arrangements are made to order, so depending on the arrangement, this can differentiate.

Production time:

We aim to push through our orders faster than the  below production times in order to give you a better and more efficient shopping experience! 

Arrangements: 2-10 days to make and dispatch 

Homeware: 2-8 days to dispatch

Shipping can differ between 2 to 7 business  days from dispatch. You will receive the tracking once dispatched. 

Can I return my product if I change my mind?

Unfortunately you are unable to return your items as they are made to order. If you have placed your order and have a change of mind in terms of colour etc, this can be considered — but you must notify us within the first 24 hours of the order. 


Frequently Asked Questions: 

Are the florals real?

Hard to believe - but no they're not! We use premium silk florals, allowing us to create life-like arrangements you can display forever.

Can you source different florals and make a custom arrangement? 

Yes, we definitely can! Although majority of our arrangements are orchids we are happy to create a customised arrangement!

How do I take care of my arrangement?

There is little to no maintenance required for your arrangement! If needed, you can gently dust the
petals with a dust brush, or wipe with a slightly damp microfibre cloth.

Does the price include the vase?

Yes! All arrangements are sold including the florals and vase, fully arranged and ready for display.